![]() My son Merlin holding on to my arm with heart melting love. This was after I returned from a trip and he was showing me he missed me. * Summer is a time when many of us travel and I have a few suggestions that may make this easier on animal companions. ✨1. Make sure to have a sitter that you trust without reservation. Have a back-up who has a key (emergencies/delays happen.) Have them over to your home before you leave, make sure your animals are comfortable with them and go over details. Also have all details written down so they can access those easily. Include things like the best way to comfort your dogs if they are afraid of fireworks, etc. If you are away around the 4th of July and your dogs are scared it might be good to have someone they know who can spend the night with them. ✨2. Tell them when you are leaving and when exactly you will return. As in “ my flight is supposed to get in at 4:53 on Friday the 12th and we’ll be home by 7pm. “ They will understand the energy of what you are saying and sync that energetically with the timeframes. If there is a delay, send them a telepathic message to let them know (I’ll explain under 3) and ask the sitter to also tell them ( if they will be back at the home before you arrive.)
✨3. Telepathically send love and messages to your companion animals each day you are away. Right before bed or upon waking are great times /easy to remember. Anyone can do this even if you are not an animal intuitive/communicator. Envision a beautiful light from your heart to theirs (distance doesn’t matter-you can be on the other side of the world.) Send the emotion of your love for them and any messages, updates or stories about your trip through this light to them. They will receive it even if you can’t hear/feel their response. The emotion/feeling part is most important. 💞 ✨✨✨ 🐶Some animals ask for a specific color light and details for preferences but those are very individual. The above is general info for all companions.🐈 Last night I dreamt that I was on a small kayak type boat at sea, it felt like night but was bright, perhaps moonlight, and suddenly there was a mass migration of humpback whales, they were going by all around me, within a few feet of my boat, careful not to tip it. Their movements were pure grace. In my dream all I could feel was joy and gratitude to witness these beings. It seemed to go on for a long while, but time moves differently in dreams.✨🐋🌕
❤️ “Whale~guiding us deep, vast wisdom within, Whale awakens and empowers us, attuning us to love. Whale sounds the heartbeat of universal connection” -quote from Animal Teachings by Dawn Brunke and sketch by me from my dream/meditation journal.🌟 As the Solstice approaches, our tomatoes 🍅 and other summer veggies are beginning to ripen. We’ve harvested just a few cherry tomatoes and squashes so far, but are looking forward to more coming. The first photo is our veggie patch, which is in the front yard, the only spot with enough sun. We are working on slowly building stone pathways between the rows.🌞I was heavily influenced by the Findhorn story when we started gardening - I recommend the classic book to anyone interested in growing plants in harmony with nature. It helped me realize that even though there are variables we can’t change- like plants needing a certain amount of sun & water, there is a way to do it so the plants are happy and feel loved. Plants feel energy just like we do, and one of the things that stood out to me was a part in the book which said that when the “suckers” are pinched off the tomatoes (traditionally recommended for promoting growth,) the plants feel fear and this affects the taste of the fruit. A plant that has been loved and feels safe will have fruit that is (at least energetically) more sweet.
As far as being in harmony with animals in the garden-we use a vegan seaweed fertilizer and of course no herbicides/pesticides ever. All wildlife is essential to the health of our garden & welcome, including the moles who aerate the soil and the birds who occasionally have a bit of tomato.💗 ![]() I’m standing in my garden marvelling at all the recent rain-growth 🌱after traveling more than usual lately -to soul stirring locations, one gifting me with a new jungle connection and more recently-the other re-connecting me with the island and sea of my childhood, the gift of sensing the energy there now as an adult and an intuitive.✨ I was able to “see” the magic that I felt growing up there-the constant vibrant colors of water and sky, the full power of waves crashing against the rocky northern coast and the gently rippling waves of crystal clear aqua with lavender to gold sparkles reflecting the sun’s movement on the southern beaches.☀️ One of the most amazing moments happened after I had been resting on a large raft, surrounded by water on all sides, and finally decided it was time to go back to shore, so I slowly started swimming back and I saw a wild native sea turtle. She was so beautiful.❤️She took my breath away. I gazed at her (I had a snorkeling mask) and held on to some rocks at the bottom to stay underwater (because it was shallow) and she was just going about her business. I noticed the tides would sort of sway her one way or the other, but she was unbothered by that and kept going. It was inspiring how she didn’t try to fight the currents but rather sort of allowed them to sway her and navigated around them ✨fully in the flow,✨literally and figuratively. This weekend I was working in the garden & while watering the tomatoes with a sprinkler I sat down on the ground and took off my gardening boots so I could feel the earth. I love all the tiny flowers (our grass is really mostly native “weeds” that we keep short -by choice- & it is emerald green and lovely.) It was the late afternoon golden hour, so the sun coming through the sweetgum tree leaves created filtered star shapes everywhere 🌟🌿and I was noticing how a tiny rose bush I planted years ago had wrapped around a pine and each small rose was lined at the edges with the same filtered glow. I decided to lay down on the grass & was soaking it all in, sending gratitude to each plant, to each insect that pollinates, to the birds that were flying overhead-just really feeling this-where for a moment everything was golden and sparkling ✨and I turned my head slightly to the right and this gorgeous wild bunny had come almost all the way up to me. He was framed by tall sun-illuminated plants while staring at me curiously and it was a moment of deep pure magic. ✨I had allowed myself to be in a place of complete connection and gratitude with the nature surrounding me and he was intrigued and wanted to get closer. ✨🐇I gazed at him for a little bit -memorizing each perfect detail. I didn’t have a camera but I wouldn’t have used it if I did- it felt like a moment suspended in time and any movement like reaching for a camera would might have altered it. I will always carry this visual “snapshot” in my memory of this beautiful bunny visit.💗
**the bunny photo up top is from a different visit in the backyard, taken through the window** I am in Costa Rica (without much WiFi )on a retreat so today’s tale is short and sweet. I wanted to share an amazing experience I had on Sunday. I was walking on the beach and after a while started thinking I needed to hydrate and set the intention to the universe for some coconut water. I really wanted a coconut. Within about a minute this dog ran up to me and dropped this coconut at my feet !! He was playful and sweet and I couldn’t drink this one, but it was such a lovely moment that made me laugh and trust that the universe will provide what you ask for.🌞A few minutes later I found a lovely pirate bar where I got sparkling water and shared part of my packed lunch with another pup while enjoying the beach view.
I often get asked about dog training & trainers. Here is what I know, based on all the conversations and communications I've had with dogs so far (and other species too, even a few cats have weighed in on training, believe it or not.) I will focus on dogs here but it applies across species. I know without a doubt that positive reinforcement training is the only way to go. By positive reinforcement I am referring to rewarding desired behavior rather than punishing unwanted behavior.
Negative reinforcement often makes dogs fearful of their human companions and sometimes a well intentioned interspecies parent hires a trainer (very likely also well intentioned) who traumatizes the dog so much they get ptsd type reactions to certain things. I have connected with quite few dogs whose behavior got much worse after training and then dealing with the fear on top of the initial situation becomes very complex and trust can take a very long time to be rebuilt. Some dogs are simply more sensitive than others, just as certain children and people in general are more sensitive. There are dogs who barely bat an eye if you raise your voice and others will be very upset by it. So the first and most important thing is to first get to know your dog (especially if newly adopted) and get a sense of their personality. Background can also affect their disposition, whether they came from an abusive or neglectful situation before finding you. Open your heart wide to them and get to know how they react to you, to their environment, to other animals & people. Show them you are trustworthy and only planning to love & take care of them. Be gentle. If in doubt, the more gentle you can be the better. Next, if you are looking for a trainer, make sure they only employ positive reinforcement methods. Read the fine print on the website (if there is one) and schedule a time to talk before any training happens. There are wonderful kind trainers out there who can help animals and their people so much and greatly improve situations & relationships. I would never say to avoid training, training helps everyone with expectations and that is healthy. Simply be very cautious and vigilant to connect with a trainer who understands you will only allow positive reinforcement. Even some very nice effective trainers will use e-collars which are technically negative reinforcement because they administer a small electric shock. They can "work" quickly -yes- but can also be very traumatic for many dogs. Finally - if anything at all makes you uncomfortable, please listen to your intuition & instinct. A "gut feeling" could be your dog trying to communicate with you that they are scared or uncomfortable. Watch & listen with your eyes, ears and heart. You are the parent /caretaker. You know them best. Always listen to that "little voice" or "feeling." Trust between us and our animal companions is precious. Building that trust is essential and once it is there you can feel it & see it in your animal companion's eyes and it is sacred. Honor that trust and always protect and put them and their emotions first because you are the only one who can. We are their voice and protection from the rest of the world. And that is a privilege and an honor. Yesterday I posted (on FB & insta) about my painful experience during intense dental work. I hesitated to post about something unpleasant but then I thought it’s part of life and everyone experiences pain at some points, whether it’s physical or emotional. And that is a place where our animal companions are always here for us. ❤️Sometimes there are things we don’t want to mention because they are sad, or we don’t want to cry in front of others (or on social media) but we can cry in front of our animals. We allow them to lick our tears. They see us at our best and on our worst days and love us unconditionally either way and in between. The second photo on here is the most important to me-the first one is a symbol of spring renewal, beauty and nature’s healing powers, but the second is personal 💕it shows the first sight I saw (& felt) this morning. Merlin slept attached to me all night making sure I was ok and if I moved, he moved with me to make sure he was pressed against me the whole time. (Gracie does this too but last night she was holding space/energy instead and came to snuggle at a different time.) I am just filled with gratitude to have these incredible beings of pure love in my life calling me their mom. They really do make everything better. ✨❤️
❤️I went to the post office 📬last week and there was a large crow eating something (like spilled fries) in a parking spot. This was a pretty prime parking spot, but I noticed the bird eating so I went around & parked in a different row. A minute later, as I was about to get out of my car, some guy had pulled into the initial spot and the crow was sort of glaring at him from the top of the car next to it. I looked at the crow in total understanding, mentally sending a feeling of “I get it-sorry someone rudely interrupted your lunch!”) I’m not sure if the guy even noticed the crow or if he was absentmindedly going about his errands, possibly texting & driving. These are things that give me pause in my daily life, because I see how easily humans assume our needs come first, whether by conscious choice or by not thinking about it/not noticing other species and their needs. I would love to hear thoughts on this? How do we transcend the perceived species hierarchy? I believe we do it with love, and often our companion animals are the catalyst because they teach us with their unconditional love that opens our hearts to them & in turn can lead to opening our hearts to all species.
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day here in the US, and this day is a celebration of all love, not only romantic love. It’s a great day to remind our animal companions how much we love them.It can also be a difficult day for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Animals in spirit often tell me that they feel it when their human’s heart is sad and the image I received to explain how they help was that of a kitty purring love into our hearts, 💜healing them. Sometimes a dog will show me almost like they are massaging our hearts with their paws sending love into it and one bird showed her wings surrounding her person like angel wings. Our animal companions will be with us on Valentine’s, (and other special occasions,) whether they are here physically or in spirit.
January 2021