I had a big moment last week. Some of you may have heard me speak of how I gently escort larger insects like cockroaches outside with a system of a lightweight Tupperware bowl and sliding a thin cardboard underneath.
Even though I regularly carry spiders, slugs and other sweet creatures on my hand - there had been a bit of resistance to directly touchingcockroaches. I could feel love for them & of course never would wish to harm one. But holding was another matter because of the programming we as humans receive regarding them.The myth is that they are dirty somehow - lesser than something more cute like ladybugs. So.... last week I was feeling very brave and when I saw one I simply put my hand down (sending a tiny bit of reiki) and he/she climbed into my palm and stayed as I walked him/her outside.I was blown away by the level of trust given to me. It feels like evolution - shedding a little bit more programming. After that initial time - it now feels natural and my gratitude for this I think shows in the photo Comments are closed.
January 2021