As the setting sun on earth day illuminated one of my eyes through the leaves I realized it felt symbolic of seeing the world as an animal intuitive. I see and feel from the perspective of animals along with my own human view. As a medium I perceive energy and multi dimensional beings that are not always visible. I communicate regularly with animals in spirit as well as alive. And with their spirit & star guides. It feels a bit like being a bridge. Bringing messages from one species to another. Translating. From one dimension to another. Most of the time it is so fun. Sometimes it is heartbreaking. Always beautiful. Even when I am in tears from the strong emotions that the animals share with me, there is such a depth of gratitude that they are trusting me with what is in their hearts. Allowing me to hold space for them. With them. Trusting me to convey it to their humans. And it gives me so much hope for humanity when I speak with the amazing people who love their animals so much that they want to know how they feel. Not only physically but also emotionally. To ask them what they need. The questions I am most often asked for living animals are "What can we do to improve the lives of our animals, to make them happy/comfortable, to know they are loved?" I love that. I love reading the questions because I can feel the love behind the words. And the animals feel it too.
And one of the questions I get most for animals in spirit is how to connect with them. Which is so wonderful because it speaks to the shared love that transcends lifetimes. Today I would like to share a gardening tip. ✨🌱✨
I was at the hardware store earlier and I will admit when I walk by an entire wall of products that poison the earth, like roundup, I sometimes for a moment feel powerless. There is so much of it and so many people putting it in their carts. But then I shake myself out of it because it’s not helpful. What helps me feel better is to remember that I do have power. We have the power to make our own choices every single day. And additionally by making my choices hopefully it may inspire someone else to claim their power too. I choose to share our harvest with wildlife including insects, and I choose to not use products like roundup for weeds. I also choose to see the value and beauty in many “weeds” such as for example dandelions, which are medicinal and edible for us and for wildlife. ❤️ Even though we do share our harvest, we also do want to be able to enjoy fruit and veggies. So my tip for today is use garlic. For years we have planted one clove of garlic on each side of our tomatoes and veggies and the garlic greens that sprout up discourage deer and other animals from eating the plant. They don’t love the scent. It’s super easy. 1.) take a clove (make sure it’s organic because much of the non organic garlic is treated with something that inhibits growth) 2.) place it on each side of your new planting (my middle photo is a baby zucchini plant) and simply push it into the ground pointy side up. (I love doing this with my bare hands and feeling the earth, but gloves are fine or if your soil is hard use a small spade.) Cover it with a tiny bit of dirt. 3.) in a few weeks garlic greens will sprout. Photo 3 shows one of the ones from last year -we regularly harvest and cook with these garlic greens -they are delicious. Similar to green onions but garlic taste. 🌱🌱🌱 We have so much of it that we don’t bother to plant in advance, but if you are graced with a lot of deer visitors you can plant the garlic cloves a few weeks before the seedlings will go in. 🦌 This is mostly to protect the actual plants-so that they don’t get topped and we can all enjoy the fruit/veggies! Discussing reincarnation - from a linear perspective - often there are misconceptions that animals have to somehow evolve "up" to become a human.
🌀 In my experience communicating with hundreds of animals, I am continually told that the soul has a choice whether to incarnate as an animal or a human or a tree for that matter. ✨ A human can choose to come back as an animal and vice versa. A soul is a soul. Human souls are not more advanced than animal ones. Animals share past life experiences as humans, other animals and as all kinds of multi dimensional beings. I have met some that had lives as being of pure light. The concept of a species hierarchy is an artificial construct which is perpetuated because there are (& have been) those who benefit from the use of animals and because many of us have lost our connection to nature. This is finally changing. The species hierarchy is crumbling as we shed light on it and so many already are standing up for animals. It is time. There is no species hierarchy. ✨❤️ I did not photoshop this photo. It is of a robin that had flown into our window and became a bit stunned and I sent her reiki and after a bit I saw her fly up to the tree branch. I took this one photo and this is how it came out.❤️ I was discussing this with a lovely cat mom earlier and it felt relevant to share here that many of our animal companions, especially the ones that are extra sensitive starseeds /starlights also experienced some of the intense energies that their human parents did in the past few months. They could feel them directly as well as indirectly by feeling the stress/discomfort from their humans. So to help them out-please do extra clearing- clear yourselves and the home environment. Really take a moment to gage where your own energy is at the moment and how your home’s energy feels. Use any method you prefer-intention, crystals, fresh air, elements, sage/herbs, bless the water that you (both) drink, and one of my favourites is to visualise energy healing in the form of rainbow light (the way animals tell me the reiki I send them looks) flooding the whole home. Imagine it in the closets, even in areas you may not frequent like a basement or attic. And include your vehicles, especially if they ride in them with you. Create your own version if you wish it can be sparkly golden or look like galaxies.
January 2021