This aura photograph of me was made by @theauraweaver a little while back. One of the beautiful things about seeing an aura is that you can clearly see emotional states - the energy doesn’t lie. As humans most of us are experts at hiding our emotions. Sometimes to protect ourselves, other times to protect someone else from the intensity of the depths of our feelings.✨
I know I tend to do that- at times when I’m struggling or sad I will put on a smile and say I’m fine. Especially for a casual social interaction. One of the amazing things about animals is that they can clearly see our energy fields and feel our emotions. Even if we are smiling - they fully feel the layers of emotion underneath that. And they try to help. They shower us with love and do their very best to lift our spirits. Obviously our companions know us best- but I’ve also seen dogs try to comfort someone they barely know at a party. Very often they will go to the person who needs them the most.✨ When I was grieving after my cat sons crossed the rainbow bridge-I would go to friends’ homes and their companion animals would make an extra effort to sit with me or on my lap- even ones who normally were not snuggly with me before. I could feel them healing my heart. ❤️ Their ability to really “see us” what’s underneath everything we present to the rest of the world, that is one of the gifts our animal companions grace and honor us with.❤️ |
January 2021