I am often asked about animals as spirit guides, not only our companions who have crossed over, but also other (wild) species. We have multidimensional/spirit animals we connect with all of our lives and some that appear in our lives when we need a certain type of energy/support. Even though there are amazing books with definitions that apply to each species, I also feel it is really important to additionally honor individual unique messages that are specific to us. To pay attention- because they may have something to tell us directly that can’t be found in a book (or online.)
For example, I have been connecting with whales lately and during my meditation today a large humpback whale joined me and showed me some things from her perspective. First it was “seeing” the ocean through her eyes, her senses. Everything under the sea looked so much brighter and vibrant as she saw the energy (auras etc) of it all. Then we were “traveling” through dimensions and she shared how they “inhabit” their bodies. She says they consider each part a specific “space” that their consciousness can go into and be in. And this is also how they monitor their physical health. An example would be going into the kidney “space” and seeing it like a jungle or a forest. What does it look like? Do the leaves look healthy or are they dry or even burned/crisp at the edges? That could be an indication that not enough water is filtering through. She showed me that we can do this with our own bodies, like if our gums or teeth hurt, [in addition to seeing a dentist] check in with that “space,” I tried it and it looked like moss on stones (for me) and the moss was the healthy gums. She also shared they spend a lot of time inhabiting their heartspace. This information is not anything I’ve read before - so I found it very helpful to be shown this manner of inhabiting every part of the body. (I took this photo on my way to Orcas Island in 2014.) |
January 2021