Last week on The Lighter Side Show with Jamie Butler (links to view this on my home & appearances pages) I assured everyone that our animal companions who have crossed over the rainbow bridge do find ways to communicate with us and give us signs. I believe this 100% and on August 8th, a few days after we recorded the episode, I received a lovely reminder from one of my sons in spirit, Juneau. He crossed into the light at 15 years of age on August 8th, 2013. I later found out 8.8 is World Cat Day and also that astrologically it is considered the Infinity or Lion’s Gate Portal (those of you with more astrology knowledge will know a lot more about the significance of this than I do, but even with my limited understanding of it I gathered that he chose a pretty special exit day.)
Juneau had been on my mind the week before, and I asked him to have a special “visit” last Monday, (8.8.2016) and I even wrote it in my planner that we were going to do this. When I checked Facebook early in the morning, one of those “share your memories" posts they do popped up, but it was not from his passing, it was something I posted 2 years ago remembering when I had tried to buy a baby pouch to carry him in! As you can see in the photo, it was not his favorite thing (even though he did enjoy being carried around) and we returned the pouch. Later that morning I had a beautiful nice long visit with my son in spirit that completely lifted my heart. Afterwards, I decided to pull a single tarot card, and it was a black panther! Even though I had just communicated with him, it brought happy tears to my eyes to see this card. He had always looked like a panther (I included a photo of him for comparison) and the card was such a specific confirmation sign after our visit and connection. The card is from the Animal Spirit Deck by the Wild Unknown. It is a fairly new deck which I have only used a few times so far and the panther had not come up before. I love how the signs came from such different things as tarot and social media, illustrating that they can appear in any manner at all. Even if we are not directly communicating/connecting with our beloved animal companions in spirit, they will find a way to reach us, whether it is through something we are watching, reading or even sometimes via another person, such as if someone mentions their name or a stranger tells a story of something their dog does that is exactly like what your dog used to do. The messages could come from other (living) companion animals, from nature, or even in the mail. It doesn’t really matter how the signs come to us, as long as we are open to receiving them. |
January 2021