Last night I dreamt that I was on a small kayak type boat at sea, it felt like night but was bright, perhaps moonlight, and suddenly there was a mass migration of humpback whales, they were going by all around me, within a few feet of my boat, careful not to tip it. Their movements were pure grace. In my dream all I could feel was joy and gratitude to witness these beings. It seemed to go on for a long while, but time moves differently in dreams.✨🐋🌕
❤️ “Whale~guiding us deep, vast wisdom within, Whale awakens and empowers us, attuning us to love. Whale sounds the heartbeat of universal connection” -quote from Animal Teachings by Dawn Brunke and sketch by me from my dream/meditation journal.🌟 As the Solstice approaches, our tomatoes 🍅 and other summer veggies are beginning to ripen. We’ve harvested just a few cherry tomatoes and squashes so far, but are looking forward to more coming. The first photo is our veggie patch, which is in the front yard, the only spot with enough sun. We are working on slowly building stone pathways between the rows.🌞I was heavily influenced by the Findhorn story when we started gardening - I recommend the classic book to anyone interested in growing plants in harmony with nature. It helped me realize that even though there are variables we can’t change- like plants needing a certain amount of sun & water, there is a way to do it so the plants are happy and feel loved. Plants feel energy just like we do, and one of the things that stood out to me was a part in the book which said that when the “suckers” are pinched off the tomatoes (traditionally recommended for promoting growth,) the plants feel fear and this affects the taste of the fruit. A plant that has been loved and feels safe will have fruit that is (at least energetically) more sweet.
As far as being in harmony with animals in the garden-we use a vegan seaweed fertilizer and of course no herbicides/pesticides ever. All wildlife is essential to the health of our garden & welcome, including the moles who aerate the soil and the birds who occasionally have a bit of tomato.💗 |
January 2021