I looked out of my kitchen window, and within a few feet of one another I spotted a blue tailed skink (lizard) sunbathing on a rock, an eastern tiger swallowtail on her way to a butterfly bush and a goldfinch snacking on native (echinacea) coneflowers.🌼
The first thing I noticed was all the golden yellow, all 3 share that and the butterfly and lizard additionally share blue too. 💙 Blue and yellow are primary colors, yellow is associated with the sun, the solar plexus chakra, happiness and personal power. Blue (especially this lighter shade) is the ocean, sky, throat chakra, communicating our truths and calming. These are very basic initial observations but then what makes it complex and interesting is when we add our own associations and personal connections with these colors. For example I grew up with a yellow kitchen so yellow feels nourishing and had a childhood by the sea therefore blue triggers the joy being surrounded by ocean and sky. Not everyone will have the same associations or feelings for a color. How do these two colors make you feel? Does it make a difference if they are combined versus separate? While gazing at it where does your mind wander? Are there physical sensations of any kind? Color therapies are based on how colors impact us and to be effective they have to make sense on an individual level. in addition to considering the symbolism of the individual beings in the photograph, we can look more closely at the vibrant colors they display and consider the feelings they evoke. There is a fascinating book called "The Primary Colors" by Alexander Theroux that has full chapters on blue, yellow and red. I think it would be lovely to write our own versions of what each color represents to us. And how often we notice them in nature. Do we notice some more than others? As I was preparing to write this post I automatically started thinking of animals and plants that had the colors of each chakra and it's beautiful how colorful nature is. We can surround ourselves with the colors that lift our spirits and when we are not in control of our environment we can imagine those colors or wear them. 💫 Comments are closed.
January 2021