I would like to share a bit about the messages animal guides bring. I hesitate to use the word guide because some are simply around for a period of time (as needed) rather than a lifetime. Others are guides in the more classic sense of the word, always with us. Sometimes our animal companions who have crossed the rainbow bridge decide to become guides for us. Pay attention to animals that are showing up in your life recently-the key is consistency, when it seems they are repeatedly showing up in different ways. It may not always be in person, it could be an image or on tv. Herons have been showing up for me lately. In December one followed me to a reiki session, during our hike this past Saturday it was the main bird we saw and today I went into a garden store (only for a second to use the bathroom) and this statue was the first thing I saw! It’s a store I frequent and I had never seen this statue before. So that’s 3 in probably 3 weeks or so. For me that makes me notice & consider what messages the heron may have for me at this time in my life. I enjoy looking at the definitions in Ted Andrews’ classic book Animal-Speak & also feel it is important to connect directly with Heron energy, asking & meditating on it. Have any animal messages shown up in your life lately?
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January 2021