Our animal companions so very often are our spiritual teachers. I am continually amazed by how often in sessions animals give their humans advice on meditation, how to access/use their abilities and even give detailed instructions regarding their person’s energy healing techniques.
Companions are so aware of where we are at energetically- they monitor our emotions and are always there for us if they see them dip. They also love it when we raise our frequency - they cheer us on with happy eyes and snuggles!💫 Often they model issues for us to learn from and they are so proud when we do! And when we don’t-or we are slow...they remain unconditionally loving.💞 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ In the photo my very own starseed daughter is meditating with a piece of Moldavite on her royal ruff. Moldavite is an amazing transformative stone -it was formed when a meteor crashed into the bohemian plateau and melded with earth material. It’s literally from the stars and feels like it. Comments are closed.
January 2021