Many of us already love crystals and are aware of their energetic qualities and the benefits they offer, in addition to being beautiful to look at. We collect them, wear them as jewelry and use them as tools to assist with energy healing and for overall health benefits. After communicating with a number of animals I found that many would ask for specific crystals to be placed in their environment. One little dog with anxiety from past rejection (before she was adopted by her current wonderful parents) asked for rose quartz which carries a vibration of love and is very soothing to be placed near her bed. Her guides gave me the suggestion to actually sew small pieces into her bed (on the inside) so that she could be right up against them without worries of accidentally swallowing one or of the crystals getting lost.
Often they just want them in the house, but last week another sweet dog surprised me by asking for her very own crystals and she had a small list! This lovely dog has strong star energy and she included moldavite as one of her picks. Moldavite happens to be one I really enjoy too and I wear it often as jewelry, even sleeping with it as it feels protective to me. This is one however that some feel has “too strong” energy, so I recommend holding it before purchasing, and only using if your companions either ask for it or seem drawn to be near it. When my son Jarvis was diagnosed I got a large amethyst and placed it on the floor in the room where he slept to help keep the healing space clear and help him feel like he was in a "bubble" of light. Amethyst also helps to "charge" other crystals. Most crystals need to be cleaned or "charged" occasionally by running cold water, sunlight, moonlight, sage or salt, Please check on this individually as some dissolve in water and others don't fare well with salt. Not all animals ask for crystals specifically, but they enjoy the energy when it is shared with them. I think it is a wonderful gesture to research which crystals have qualities that will help with something your animal companion is going through. For example animals are very sensitive to us and to our energy, so if we are going through something emotional, we could place black tourmaline in the room to help absorb some of this and thereby shield them from the burden of taking it all on to help us. I also communicate often with companions that feel very protective toward their humans and sometimes they feel they have to actively “defend” the home’s perimeter and when we use crystals to help with this (like by gridding-placing them in different areas of the home) it can ease some of their sense of responsibility and help them be more calm at night. There are a lot of books on crystals, so I won’t go into the many kinds/definitions here, (not sure I can pick just a few!) but if you are interested a couple of books are: Love is in the Earth-a kaleidoscope of crystals by Melody The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian And this is one specifically for animals which is great: Crystal Healing for Animals by Martin J. Scott and Gael Mariani Most of what you read about how stones help humans (like with emotional or physical maladies or protection) will also apply to how they can help animals. I am also a big fan of following your intuition when selecting crystals, rather than only reading the descriptions. Hold an image of your companion in your mind and heart as you search and see which crystals you are drawn to for them. Often you will naturally be drawn to the ones needed and then it is also fun to read about these afterwards, and maybe discover additional meanings. If you have never used crystals before, try starting by getting a few smaller pieces (or a large one that can be used as décor) and see if you and/or your animal companions (or human ones) notice a difference. It may be very subtle, perhaps the room will just feel a bit lighter, or more “bright.” This is great too for indoor only companions, such as cats, because it helps them to receive some energy from the earth, like they would if outside. Crystals and stones can also be placed in/around horse stables, chicken coops or underneath/around cages for smaller animals & birds. Comments are closed.
January 2021