This weekend I was working in the garden & while watering the tomatoes with a sprinkler I sat down on the ground and took off my gardening boots so I could feel the earth. I love all the tiny flowers (our grass is really mostly native “weeds” that we keep short -by choice- & it is emerald green and lovely.) It was the late afternoon golden hour, so the sun coming through the sweetgum tree leaves created filtered star shapes everywhere 🌟🌿and I was noticing how a tiny rose bush I planted years ago had wrapped around a pine and each small rose was lined at the edges with the same filtered glow. I decided to lay down on the grass & was soaking it all in, sending gratitude to each plant, to each insect that pollinates, to the birds that were flying overhead-just really feeling this-where for a moment everything was golden and sparkling ✨and I turned my head slightly to the right and this gorgeous wild bunny had come almost all the way up to me. He was framed by tall sun-illuminated plants while staring at me curiously and it was a moment of deep pure magic. ✨I had allowed myself to be in a place of complete connection and gratitude with the nature surrounding me and he was intrigued and wanted to get closer. ✨🐇I gazed at him for a little bit -memorizing each perfect detail. I didn’t have a camera but I wouldn’t have used it if I did- it felt like a moment suspended in time and any movement like reaching for a camera would might have altered it. I will always carry this visual “snapshot” in my memory of this beautiful bunny visit.💗
**the bunny photo up top is from a different visit in the backyard, taken through the window** Comments are closed.
January 2021