My daughter Gracie Belle - the picture of perfection and innocence personified here. You’d never guess that prior to this she was under the bed refusing to come out so that she and her brother could hang out in my studio while someone comes to the house to help us with cleaning. (They hate vacuum sounds so our best solution is to have them stay in studio with me and all the comforts / they have litter, food, water & soothing music/normally they are fine with that.)
✨✨✨ So back to when she was under the bed and I knew I had only 20 minutes to get ready and feeling a bit of stress. She had noticed me running around organizing and doing chores and decided that I wasn’t energetically calm enough. So - her solution- to create a situation that forced me to sit on the floor and connect with her and literally not move for a bit.... this can be a bit (or a lot) challenging for us as humans to be forced into a state of stillness when we need to be quickly accomplishing something. So what could I do? Really nothing. I tried treats - she just looked at me. 😹 My only option was to take deep breaths and accept that she is more aware of my energy than I am - and truly understands what I need. 💗I made myself stop. Be still for two minutes. I texted her dad & was like FYI the bedroom won’t get cleaned today. He replied with an amused “Meow”(He is like me - I could not be with someone who didn’t love animals/our feline kids as equals also #interspeciesparenthood ) I accepted that was just the way it would be and sat for a bit ... then she came out all smiling like a tiny angelic ascended master and allowed me to take her to the studio.✨✨✨ So that’s my story for today. I hear from a lot of clients that their animals do things that exasperate them - and most of the time truly there is a reason. Like dogs who won’t budge on walks and want their human to slow down or take a moment to look at spring leaves unfurling instead of hurriedly texting and speed walking. I get it- I have a busy schedule too- but also our animals see & feel energy on a much higher level than we do. So my advice is to pause, consider the situation and allow them to "help."❤ Comments are closed.
January 2021