Tuesday’s Tail: ❤️Strongheart call to action❤️Today, on this new moon, I’m asking you to take action for animals. 2018 feels to me like a year in which every small (and big) step is going to make a difference and even though sometimes we feel powerless to affect some difficult setbacks on a national & global scale, like losing legal environmental protections, there are so many ways we can personally claim (or reclaim) our power to help animals. We have tremendous power as individuals whose hearts are strong enough to love animals as equals. We become even more powerful when combining all of our actions into a movement to transcend the hierarchy of species through love.💜
Here are 5 simply easy actions we can take this week/month/anytime for animals: 1.) Tell someone about the immense love you feel for an animal companion (here or in spirit.) Talk about it authentically & fearlessly without editing and without hiding the full depth of emotion. When others hear this, it empowers them to do the same, and to acknowledge their own feelings. And if it is someone who doesn’t quite understand the truth and emotion that backs up your words, it will still give them pause and promote thinking about it in a new way. 2.) “Save” an insect. Gently and kindly scoop up and take outside an insect rather than killing them. This is also highly beneficial as an example if done in public or with others around because they will see your example and again, pause to consider, because the kindness you show will speak for itself. 3.) Have one super gourmet “foodie” vegetarian or vegan meal at a restaurant or at home. If you are not already veg-otherwise of course enjoy all your meals this way.) Just one, to try, but make it a really good one. 4.) Take 3 seconds to look at your beauty and cleaning products for the house before buying and make sure they are cruelty free. 5.) Consider one step you can take to help local wildlife around you. It could be a birdbath if you have a garden. Or educating someone about the incredible benefits of possums (or another less- popular animal neighbor.) Or deciding to not use toxic herbicides/pesticides. It can feel overwhelming to do all of these & more at once. Pick one, the easiest one & start there. ❤️Thank you for being strong for the animals❤️ Comments are closed.
January 2021