![]() My son Merlin holding on to my arm with heart melting love. This was after I returned from a trip and he was showing me he missed me. * Summer is a time when many of us travel and I have a few suggestions that may make this easier on animal companions. ✨1. Make sure to have a sitter that you trust without reservation. Have a back-up who has a key (emergencies/delays happen.) Have them over to your home before you leave, make sure your animals are comfortable with them and go over details. Also have all details written down so they can access those easily. Include things like the best way to comfort your dogs if they are afraid of fireworks, etc. If you are away around the 4th of July and your dogs are scared it might be good to have someone they know who can spend the night with them. ✨2. Tell them when you are leaving and when exactly you will return. As in “ my flight is supposed to get in at 4:53 on Friday the 12th and we’ll be home by 7pm. “ They will understand the energy of what you are saying and sync that energetically with the timeframes. If there is a delay, send them a telepathic message to let them know (I’ll explain under 3) and ask the sitter to also tell them ( if they will be back at the home before you arrive.)
✨3. Telepathically send love and messages to your companion animals each day you are away. Right before bed or upon waking are great times /easy to remember. Anyone can do this even if you are not an animal intuitive/communicator. Envision a beautiful light from your heart to theirs (distance doesn’t matter-you can be on the other side of the world.) Send the emotion of your love for them and any messages, updates or stories about your trip through this light to them. They will receive it even if you can’t hear/feel their response. The emotion/feeling part is most important. 💞 ✨✨✨ 🐶Some animals ask for a specific color light and details for preferences but those are very individual. The above is general info for all companions.🐈 Comments are closed.
January 2021